This is a Team effort

God has commissioned Seed Ministries International to do some pretty big things, things that are well beyond our individual abilities. We need you to help fulfill this call.

What are Partners?

Partners are people – individuals, families, ministries, corporations, and businesses – that faithfully sow any amount of financial support and prayer into Seed Ministries International. Partnership makes you a part of the team at Seed Ministries International.

Partnership isn’t simply donation, it connects you to the anointing and the rewards of this ministry. It makes you partakers of the grace upon this ministry (Philippians 1:7).

In other words, if you’re the one doing the preaching or if you’re the one supporting the preacher the reward for the work will be the same.

Those rewards are spiritual and material. You can expect the anointing of Seed Ministries International to operate in your life. And you can expect a harvest on any financial seed you sow into this ministry. We are good ground.

But even more than that you will receive the satisfaction of knowing that you are reaching far beyond your own sphere of influence and impacting people all over the world with this life changing mission.

The share of those who stay by our things will be the same as the share of those who go to the battle. They will share alike.

What are The Rewards of Partnership?

The rewards of partnership are both spiritual and material. You can (and should) expect to receive and operate in the same anointing that is on Seed Ministries International to operate in your life and your ministry.

You can also expect to receive a harvest on any financial seed you sow into this ministry. We are good ground.

But even more than that you will receive the satisfaction of knowing that you are reaching far beyond your own sphere of influence and impacting people all over the world with this life changing mission.

Our Promises To You

To Pray For You Daily

We pray for you daily that you will walk in greater revelation, greater prosperity, greater health, and greater victory each and every day. And we ask you to pray the same for us.

To Steward Money Wisely

The gospel is free. But getting the gospel to people requires finances and resources. When you partner with us, you are enabling us to reach more and more people with the truth of the Gospel, with aid, and with ongoing material support to help people grow good spiritual gardens all around the world.

As we are firm believers in sowing, we tithe 10% of every gift received into other ministries. That means your seed goes further than even this ministry.

To Keep You In The Know

We write a quarterly exclusive Partner Letter to keep our partners up to date on what we are accomplishing for the Kingdom and what we are believing to do in the future.

To Continue to Produce Word-Based Materials

Thanks to you, our partners, we are able to produce books, videos, studies, and courses (and any other things God inspires us to produce) as well as helping us reach more and more people with in person and online bible studies, worship, and prayer gatherings.

Additional Ways You Can Give:


“Brothers and sisters, pray for us.

– 1 Thessalonians 5:25

We deeply desire that you pray for us, as often as you think of us, that we will have clear direction and great boldness to accomplish the will of God for this ministry.

If you are willing to commit to prayer for us, we ask that you click the link below to stay up to date on what we are doing so that you can join your prayers with ours.


“Be doers of the word.”

– James 1:22

As we continue to develop this ministry, there will be positions and projects available, both onsite and remote opportunities will arise in the coming months.

If you are feel a call to add your skills and talents to this growing work, please contact us through the link below and let us know your skills and talents.